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巨人:福宾计划 Colossus: The Forbin Project

 约瑟夫·萨金特 / Joseph Sargent

艾瑞克·布里登,马里昂·罗斯,苏珊·克拉克,多尔夫·斯威特,威廉·沙勒特,Willard Sage Willard Sage<br









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巨人:福宾计划 Colossus: The Forbin Project剧情介绍

新视觉影视大全第一时间收录《巨人:福宾计划 Colossus: The Forbin Project》并提供免费在线观看。巨人:福宾计划 Colossus: The Forbin Project上映于 2023-03-20(美国),是一部美国制片作品,由艾瑞克·布里登,马里昂·罗斯,苏珊·克拉克,多尔夫·斯威特,威廉·沙勒特,Willard Sage Willard Sage<br等领衔主演。影片(剧)类型为科幻片,对白语言为英文。全片(剧)时长45分钟,喜欢新视觉影视欢迎分享给身边的朋友,顺祝您观影愉快!

译  名 巨人:福宾计划
片  名 Colossus: The Forbin Project
年  代 1970
产  地 美国
类  别 科幻 / 惊悚
语  言 英语 / 俄语
上映日期 1970-04-08
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/2051867/
片  长 100 分钟
导  演 约瑟夫·萨金特 / Joseph Sargent
演  员 艾瑞克·布里登 / Eric Braeden
      马里昂·罗斯 / Marion Ross
      苏珊·克拉克 / Susan Clark
      多尔夫·斯威特 / Dolph Sweet
      威廉·沙勒特 / William Schallert
      Willard Sage Willard Sage
      拜伦·莫罗 / Byron Morrow
      Fred Holliday Fred Holliday
      乔格·斯坦福·布朗 / Georg Stanford Brown
      高登·平森特 / Gordon Pinsent
      吴汉章 / James Hong
      保罗·费斯 / Paul Frees
      Lew Brown Lew Brown
      Martin E. Brooks Martin E. Brooks
      罗伯特·科恩斯韦特 / Robert Cornthwaite
编  剧 詹姆斯·布里奇斯 / James Bridges
制  片  人 Stanley Chase Stanley Chase
音  乐 迈克尔·科伦贝尔 / Michel Colombier
摄  影 金·波利托 / Gene Polito
剪  辑 福尔马·布朗斯泰兹 / Folmar Blangsted
美  术 鲁比·R·莱维特 / Ruby R. Levitt
      John J. Lloyd John J. Lloyd
      亚历山大·高利思 / Alexander Golitzen
      小约翰·麦卡西 / John McCarthy Jr.
服  装 伊迪丝·海德 / Edith Head
化  妆 拉里·热尔曼 / Larry Germain
      百德·沃斯塔梅尔 / Bud Westmore
副  导  演 Robin S. Clark Robin S. Clark
视觉特效 阿尔伯特·惠特洛克 / Albert Whitlock

简  介 

  Eric Braeden stars as Dr. Charles Forbin, who has created a supercomputer named Colossus, built solely for the purpose of controlling the nuclear defenses of the Western alliance. It isn't too long after, however, that the Russians announce that they too have built a similar computer for those same purposes on their side--Guardian. And when the two machines begin sharing information at a speed nobody can believe, an attempt is made to disable them.
  This unfortunately just raises the machines' ire; and in retaliation, they launch their weapons at each other's home nations. The result is a chilling scenario that is potentially becoming all too real these days.
  COLOSSUS: THE FORBIN PROJECT was not a big hit at the box office for various reasons. One is that its cast wasn't exactly well known. Another reason is that its ending isn't exactly a happy one. Still a third reason is that Universal had trouble trying to promote it in the wake of the huge success of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. The latter reason is obvious: Colossus and Guardian, like HAL in the Kubrick movie, become central characters here. The difference here is that while HAL malfunctions due to a programming conflict, Colossus and Guardian remain all too stable, convinced beyond a doubt that they know how to protect Mankind better than Man himself. As the computers point out: "One inevitable rule is that Mankind is his own worst enemy."
  Joseph Sargent's direction is efficient, and the special effects work of Albert Whitlock still manages to work despite its obvious age. An overlooked gem in the sci-fi genre, this should be given a revival.

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