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九个月的爱情 Nine Months

 玛塔·梅萨罗什 / Márta Mészáros

莉莉·莫罗利,扬·诺维茨基,焦科·罗西奇,卡塔琳·拜赖克,Ferenc Somló Ferenc Somló<br,伊尔迪科·萨博









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九个月的爱情 Nine Months剧情介绍

新视觉影视大全第一时间收录《九个月的爱情 Nine Months》并提供免费在线观看。九个月的爱情 Nine Months上映于 2023-03-20(匈牙利),是一部匈牙利制片作品,由莉莉·莫罗利,扬·诺维茨基,焦科·罗西奇,卡塔琳·拜赖克,Ferenc Somló Ferenc Somló<br,伊尔迪科·萨博等领衔主演。影片(剧)类型为剧情片,对白语言为无字幕。全片(剧)时长45分钟,喜欢新视觉影视欢迎分享给身边的朋友,顺祝您观影愉快!

译  名 九个月的爱情 / Nine Months / Neuf mois
片  名 Kilenc hónap
年  代 1976
产  地 匈牙利
类  别 剧情
语  言 匈牙利语
上映日期 1976
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/5053483/
片  长 88 分钟 / Argentina: 94 分钟(Mar del Plata Film Festival) / Hungary: 97 分钟
导  演 玛塔·梅萨罗什 / Márta Mészáros
演  员 莉莉·莫罗利 / Lili Monori
      扬·诺维茨基 / Jan Nowicki
      焦科·罗西奇 / Djoko Rosic
      卡塔琳·拜赖克 / Katalin Berek
      Ferenc Somló Ferenc Somló
      伊尔迪科·萨博 / Ildikó Szabó
      Gyula Szersén Gyula Szersén
      Olga Koós Olga Koós
      Sarolta Jancsó Sarolta Jancsó
      Tibor Kristóf Tibor Kristóf
      Hedvig Demeter Hedvig Demeter
      Tibor Fehér Tibor Fehér
      Lajos M. Szilágyi Lajos M. Szilágyi
编  剧 盖维拉·赫尔纳迪 / Gyula Hernádi
      玛塔·梅萨罗什 / Márta Mészáros
音  乐 György Kovács György Kovács
摄  影 János Kende János Kende
剪  辑 Éva Kármentõ Éva Kármentõ
美  术 Tamás Banovich Tamás Banovich
服  装 Judit Schäffer Judit Schäffer

简  介 

  Juli moves to the big city in order to take up a job in a factory, and on the very same day the foreman János asks her to marry him. Alas, communication between the two is rough going from the very start – their visions of how life together is supposed to look divide them. János can’t find it in his heart to accept Juli’s yearning for independence or her past. In raw images that portend an almost predetermined conclusion with their social-realist tone, the film shows Juli’s resistance with all of its consequences – she decides to have her baby all on her own. In the end, we witness the actual delivery of Juli’s (in reality of course actress Lili Monori’s) child, the first birth to be shown in a film in Europe. Nine Months was honoured with the Fipresci Prize (Parallel Sections) in Cannes in 1977.
  Since my first film « Cati », I have been obstinately inquiring about women with well defined personalities, able to make decisions in an independent manner, although at that time « feminism » was not really in vogue. It has now become so. The heroine of my film is one of these women. She is lucid, self-relying, and responsible. She tells the man who loves her that he must accept her as she is, with her past life, her experiences, her already formed personality. - Marta MESZAROS


  第30届戛纳电影节 (1977)
  费比西奖 Parallel Section 玛塔·梅萨罗什

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