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艾菲尔铁塔的奥秘 The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower

 朱利安·杜维威尔 / Julien Duvivier

Jimmy Gaillard Jimmy Gaillard<br,Frédéric Mariotti Frédéric Mariotti<br,Alexandre Mihalesco Alexandre Mihalesco<br,Tramel Tramel<br,François Viguier François Viguier<br,Gaston Jacquet Gaston Jacquet<br









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艾菲尔铁塔的奥秘 The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower剧情介绍

新视觉影视大全第一时间收录《艾菲尔铁塔的奥秘 The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower》并提供免费在线观看。艾菲尔铁塔的奥秘 The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower上映于 2023-03-20(法国),是一部法国制片作品,由Jimmy Gaillard Jimmy Gaillard<br,Frédéric Mariotti Frédéric Mariotti<br,Alexandre Mihalesco Alexandre Mihalesco<br,Tramel Tramel<br,François Viguier François Viguier<br,Gaston Jacquet Gaston Jacquet<br等领衔主演。影片(剧)类型为剧情片,对白语言为英文。全片(剧)时长45分钟,喜欢新视觉影视欢迎分享给身边的朋友,顺祝您观影愉快!

译  名 艾菲尔铁塔的奥秘 / El misterio de la torre Eiffel
片  名 Le mystère de la tour Eiffel
年  代 1927
产  地 法国
类  别 剧情
语  言 法语
上映日期 1927
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/3991144/
导  演 朱利安·杜维威尔 / Julien Duvivier
演  员 Jimmy Gaillard Jimmy Gaillard
      Frédéric Mariotti Frédéric Mariotti
      Alexandre Mihalesco Alexandre Mihalesco
      Tramel Tramel
      François Viguier François Viguier
      Gaston Jacquet Gaston Jacquet
制  片  人 Marcel Vandal Marcel Vandal
      Charles Delac Charles Delac
摄  影 Armand Thirard Armand Thirard
美  术 Marcel Vandal Marcel Vandal
副  导  演 André Berthomieu André Berthomieu
视觉特效 W. Percy Day W. Percy Day

简  介 

  Le Mystère de la Tour Eiffel is a spectacular adventure film by French director Julien Duvivier (Pépé le Moko, La Belle Equipe). It tells the story of the naive circus artist Achilles Saturnin whose business partner steals his papers, poses as him and causes Saturnin to miss out on a huge inheritance. When members of the crime syndicate Ku Klux Eiffel also set their sights on the fortune, Saturnin seems doomed. But then Saturnin decides to challenge the hoodlums; a series of daredevil exploits on top of the Eiffel Tower follows.
  The adventurous character of the film is indisputable. But in fact, Le Mystère de la Tour Eiffel is much more than just an adventure film. Rather, it’s a combination of several genres so that there is something for everybody: There is (of course!) a love story between Achilles and a cute artist named Sylvanie. There are elements of social drama, e.g. when Achilles loses his job because his twins-act is nothing without his partner who disappeared and so Achilles hungers. It is a detective film, contains allusions to historical groups/ events (the Ku-Klux-Clan), artistic styles (cubism) and it hints (self reflexive) at the fairground-roots of the cinema by integrating fairground motifs in the story (e.g. a haunted house chair on with Achilles drives tied up through the Rochenoire Castle, the shadow play that illustrated the nightmare of the fraud) and by laying the starting point of the plot in the fair environment. Most notably Le Mystère de la Tour Eiffel has a strong comedy tendency of slapstick that runs through the whole film. There are a lot of small gags and effects that make Duvivier’s film and its hero loveable and show the filmmaker's sense for detail.
  — Cannes Press Kit

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